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A Simple Smile Enhancement

Esthetic dental bonding is a quick, painless and effective solution for cosmetic flaws. We apply dental resin directly to the tooth and shade and shape it so it matches the rest of your smile. Dr. Gutierrez are able to achieve exceptional results and a natural appearance, often in a single visit.
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When is
Dental Bonding Used?
Esthetic dental bonding can correct a variety of issues including:
Cracked, chipped or damaged teeth
Discolored or stained teeth

(particularly those that don’t respond to teeth whitening)

Worn or misshapen teeth
Small gaps
Slightly crooked or misaligned teeth
An exposed tooth root due to receding gums
Tooth decay
How Does
Esthetic Dental Bonding Work?

Dental bonding involves using a tooth-shaded, composite resin material to reshape or recontour the teeth or correct minor cosmetic issues like chips, cracks or discoloration. The resin is bonded directly to the tooth replicating the appearance and function of your natural teeth. Esthetic bonding is a minimally-invasive, conservative and affordable alternative to other cosmetic options, though the results are more subtle. Additionally, it’s considered an additive procedure meaning we don’t usually need to remove much, if any, of your original enamel during your smile makeover.

The procedure itself is painless and fast. Dr. Gutierrez will prepare the tooth by roughening its surface and then apply tooth-colored resin material. The material is shaped and a curing light is used to help it harden and bond with the tooth’s enamel. Finally, we make adjustments and polish it so it blends in seamlessly and is undetectable.

Contact us to start your esthetic dental bonding journey. Our office is in Manhattan Beach, also serving surrounding areas such as Hermosa Beach, Redondo Beach, and Torrance.

Esthetic Dental Bondings Doctor
Esthetic Dental Bondings Happy Couple
Before & After
Esthetic Dental Bondings Before and After
Did You Know Icon
Esthetic dental bonding can usually be completed in one visit and takes less than an hour per tooth.
In the last five years, there has been a 100% increase in the number of dental bonding procedures.
With proper care, esthetic dental bonding can last 10 years or more before needing to be touched up.
Experience confidence that comes with having a beautiful smile.