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If you’ve ever looked into making changes to your smile, you’ve likely run into two popular options: Braces and Invisalign. While both can drastically improve tooth and bite alignment, Invisalign comes along with some distinct advantages.
Braces, the more traditional route to drastically alter a patient’s smile, have come a long way as technology and best orthodontics practices have evolved over the years. While braces certainly have some less conspicuous options, no form of braces are more low key than Invisalign. Invisalign is a series of invisible trays (or aligners) that are worn and switched out, adjusting your smile along the way.
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Today we’d like to go over a few reasons to consider Invisalign over more conventional Braces.

5 Reasons to Consider Invisalign Over Braces
1. Invisalign Aligners Are Completely Removable!
It’s true. While braces are grafted to your teeth and require an entire procedure for application and removal, Invisalign aligners are easily snapped on and off. You can take your aligners out when you eat and put them back in after your meal. You can also take them off in order to brush. Your aligners are also easy to clean and maintain.
5 Reasons to Consider Invisalign Over Braces
1. Invisalign Aligners Are Completely Removable!
It’s true. While braces are grafted to your teeth and require an entire procedure for application and removal, Invisalign aligners are easily snapped on and off. You can take your aligners out when you eat and put them back in after your meal. You can also take them off in order to brush. Your aligners are also easy to clean and maintain.
5 Reasons to Consider Invisalign Over Braces
2. You’ll Feel Less Self-Conscious
A big mouthful of braces might give a patient less reasons to smile and more reasons to feel insecure. Sure, it’s an awkward phase, this whole wearing braces thing. Invisalign spares you the awkwardness of wearing traditional braces. Invisalign is nearly invisible, which eliminates appearance anxiety. Many teens even enjoy wearing their aligners!
5 Reasons to Consider Invisalign Over Braces
3. Spend Less Time at the Orthodontist with Invisalign
Though we’ll certainly miss you, with Invisalign you won’t have to constantly come into the office like you would with traditional braces. In many cases patients experience less treatment time as well.
5 Reasons to Consider Invisalign Over Braces
3. Spend Less Time at the Orthodontist with Invisalign
Though we’ll certainly miss you, with Invisalign you won’t have to constantly come into the office like you would with traditional braces. In many cases patients experience less treatment time as well.
5 Reasons to Consider Invisalign Over Braces
4. Eat What You Please
What if we told you that with Invisalign you won’t have any dietary restrictions that you would if you were wearing braces? You can enjoy sticky candy if you want. Care for a bagel, pretzel, or hard roll? No problem! You can also have crunchy foods like popcorn, carrots, apples, and corn on the cob. All the stuff you’d normally have to steer clear of is totally on the table when you choose Invisalign for your smile re-design.
5 Reasons to Consider Invisalign Over Braces
5. Invisalign is Far More Comfortable
Though you can plan on wearing your Invisalign aligners for 22 hours daily, you can remove them whenever you want. You also don’t have to worry about your mouth getting caught or snagging on metal wires and hardware. Invisalign aligners rest snugly against your teeth, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less effective in adjusting your smile.
If you’ve ever looked into making changes to your smile, you’ve likely run into two popular options: Braces and Invisalign. While both can drastically improve tooth and bite alignment, Invisalign comes along with some distinct advantages.
Braces, the more traditional route to drastically alter a patient’s smile, have come a long way as technology and best orthodontics practices have evolved over the years. While braces certainly have some less conspicuous options, no form of braces are more low key than Invisalign. Invisalign is a series of invisible trays (or aligners) that are worn and switched out, adjusting your smile along the way.
Achieve a beautiful smile in half the time with our options for accelerated Invisalign treatment.